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Green Infrastructure Goes Business Award 2024


The Green Infrastructure Goes Business Award 2024 is now open for application!

Do you have an innovative product, service, business model or idea with a positive impact on Green Infrastructure (= natural spaces with high ecological quality)? Does your solution have benefits for wise water management, climate change mitigation or adaptation?

We are looking for you! Submit your proposal until 1 September 2024! Participation is easy. Enter our website and fill in the short application form.

Everyone from the alpine region can participate in the competition: start-ups, long-established companies, institutions, associations, private persons or teams.

An international jury will select 6-8 winners. This is what you can win:

  • Tailor-made coaching to bring your business or idea to the next level.
  • International networking with other companies, experts, sponsors etc.
  • Pitching to an international audience at the Awarding Ceremony in Slovenia.
  • Presence on our website.

The GI Goes Business Award is a competition to support green economy and nature-based business in the alpine macro-region, initiated within the framework of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP). The 2024 edition is financed and supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning, the Soča Valley Development Centre, the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen – South Tyrol, the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection and operated by planval.

You will find more information at



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Agentur für Energie Südtirol -KlimaHaus
A.-Volta-Str. 13 A, Bozen